Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

SGD 22.80

Lavender Essential Oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant through steam distillation. Lavender flowers are naturally fragrant, hence in it's pure oil form, the fragrance is more intense. Lavender oil was discovered over 2,500 years ago and has been used cosmetically and therapeutically for centuries. It is the most popular essential oil in the world. It contains antioxidant, antimicrobal, sedative, calming and antidepressive properties. Can be used directly on the skin as it is gentle, however use in minute amount as pure oil is very potent and dense. 


  • Lavender improves your mood and elevates depression

  • Relieves stress and anxiety - treating migraines, headaches and emotional tension

  • Improves sleep due to its calming and sedative properties

  • Increases cognitive function, enabling you to work better and enhance thinking skills before taking tests

  • Improves blood circulation in the body - lowers blood pressure and is used to treat hypertension

  • Used in hair to kill hair lice, lice eggs and treat hair loss

  • Protects wounds from developing infections

  • Heals burns, cuts and reduces visible scars


  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid using the oil

  • Allergy - if you have very sensitive skin avoid using the oil, if not, do a 24 hours patch test and look for any abnormalities or rashes

  • Regular exposure to lavender oil can disrupt hormones, causing young boys to have abnormal breast growth, so use with discretion

  • Using lavender oil can sometimes lead to nausea, vomiting, dizziness and overall discomfort. 

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