Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli Essential Oil

SGD 25.80

Patchouli Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves of the patchouli plant through steam distillation. There are many types of properties this oil holds; antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent, deodorant, insecticide, sedative and tonic agent. Patchouli oil is commonly used to combat dermatological problems like eczema, inflamed and irritated skin, also reducing scars or acne scars. It has cell rejuvenating properties, most commonly used as an anti-aging skin care. For those with Athlete's Foot, patchouli oil is useful in combating it due to its anti-fungal properties. 


  • Commonly used in aromatherapy because of its antidepressant properties. It helps increase the release of serotonin and dopamine - relieving emotional distress

  • Soothes inflammation and relieves fever, bringing body temperature down

  • Stimulates your hormones, specifically your libido or sex drive. It helps boosts testosterone and estrogen levels, making a positive impact on your relationship. 

  • Effective in preventing fungal growth, good for people who have Athlete's Foot.

  • Due to its insecticide properties, it can keep insects away. A few drops on your clothes or bedsheets can prevent crawlies from growing in your beds. But use small amounts!

  • Improves urination and helps excess salt, water and uric acid. It removes toxins from inside the body, hence lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. 

  • Can be used as a natural deodorant


  • Though it is a sweet smelling oil, some people may find it too strong and unpleasant. So be sure not to inhale too much of it as the aroma can be quite irritating.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women use with caution

  • Because of its sedative properties, be sure to use small amounts to avoid having a negative reaction.

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