Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

SGD 42.00

The oil is extracted from the gum or resin of the frankincense trees through steam distillation. It has attributes of an antiseptic, disinfectant, astringent, digestive, diuretic and tonic properties. It has been a popular ingredient in cosmetics and incense burners for many centuries. Frankincense has been found to have strong inflammatory and anti-cancer effects. It is believed that the oil can transmit messages to the limbic system of the brain - influencing the nervous system.


  • Reduces heart rate and high blood pressure when inhaled. It can help reduce stress and alleviate mood. Also it does not have any negative side effects or drowsiness

  • Useful in reducing levels of anxiety too, it can allow you to fall asleep much better and combat insomnia

  • Frankincense has immune-enhancing abilities that may very well eliminate bacteria, viruses and even cancers.

  • Applying the oil on wounds or injuries can prevent wounds from becoming septic and help make the healing process much faster

  • Useful in preventing oral issues like bad breath, toothaches, cavities, mouth sore and other oral issues due to its antiseptic properties

  • Its astringent property strengthens gums, hair roots, skin, muscles and blood vessels, hence preventing the loss of teeth and hair

  • Helps regulate menstruation and delay menopause. It can aid in pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), relieving ramps in the abdominal region, nausea, headaches, fatigue and mood swings

  • Properly detox and increases bowel movements, hence flushing excess water that causes excessive bloating

  • Prevents premature aging as it promotes regeneration of healthy cells


  • DO NOT ingest the oil in large quantities as it can be toxic

  • It is known to have blood-thinning effects, so people with relation to blood clotting should not use the oil or seek you doctor's advise before using

  • If you have sensitive skin, do a 24 hour patch test on your arms or back and look for any abnormalities, otherwise discontinue

  • You might experience nausea or stomach pains, however it rarely happens

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