Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

SGD 20.80

The Eucalyptus oil is obtained from the fresh leaves of the Eucalyptus tree through steam distillation. The tree is native to Australia and has spread to other parts of the world like India, Europe and South Africa. Eucalyptol, a compound found in the plant, is used in a variety of drugs such as rubs, inhalers, liniments, rash creams and mouthwash. 


  • Cleanse your body of toxins and other harmful organisms that can make you sick. It can also treat a number of respiratory problems like cold, coughs, sore throat, nasal congestions and sinus

  • The oil has antiseptic properties, hence it can be used to treat wounds, ulcers, burns and cuts. It can also prevent the development of infections

  • Relieves mental exhaustion, stress and mental disorders as it is cooling and refreshing

  • Boosts brain power as the oil causes blood flow to increase

  • Effective in preventing cavities, plaque and other dental infections due to its germicidal properties, making is a good dental care ingredient

  • Apart from being an effective insect repellent, it can treat lice in hair and prevent dandruffs and other hair problems. 

  • Ingesting eucalyptus oil can deter many bacterial and other parasitic conditions that can arise in various parts of the body, especially areas like the intestine and colon. 

  • Controls blood sugar, hence managing diabetes. Diabetic people usually suffer from restricted blood flow. Frequently massage the oil into the skin to ease the restriction of blood flow. 

  • Dubbed as a "fever oil", the oil can be used to treat fever and lower body temperature, similar to the Peppermint Essential Oil. 


  • Ingesting large quantities of the oil can be toxic. So get your doctor for advise before consuming.

  • If you have sensitive skin or have allergy, do a 34 hour patch test to see any allergic reactions before using the oil. 

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