Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil

SGD 20.80

The Bergamot Essential Oil is extracted from the peel of the bergamot citrus fruit through cold compression, unlike the other essential oils that went through steam distillation. Its powerful aroma is popular for being used in many perfumes as well as used in various medicinal and industrial uses due to its properties. It has a very sweet smell yet slightly citrusy. Fun fact, Bergamot essential oil is commonly used in black tea, specifically known by many people as "Earl Grey Tea". 


  • It is an anti-depressant, hence it can alleviate your mood, including fatigueness, low sex drive, lack of appetite. Unlike anti-depressant medications, the bergamot oil is natural and gets to the root of the problem without having any side effects

  • The oil helps to main proper metabolic rates by stimulating hormonal secretion. digestive juices, bile and insulin. All these helps the digestive system and enables proper absorption of nutrients. It assimilates the breakdown of sugar and can lower blood pressure 

  • Reduces the risk of infections, especially areas like the intestines, kidneys, colon and urinary tract

  • The oil is a relaxant, meaning it helps reduce stress and anxiety by stimulating hormones like dopamine and seratonin

  • Reduces the symptoms of sprains, muscle aches and headaches, relieving all pain and tension

  • Reduces scar marks and evens skin tone by distributing melanin throughout

  • Aids in giving you a better disgestive system by stimulating the production of juices to help breakdown food as well as stimulates muscle contraction in the intestine

  • Bergamot prevents the growth of germs which causes body odor. Its refreshing and citrusy smell acts as a natural deodorant and air freshner

  • Apart from killing germs, it is also used to treat intestinal worms which will cause malnourishment and anemia

  • Relieves congestion and respiratory problems, especially when battling a cough or cold


  • Store the oil away from sunglight or store the oil in a dark bottle and in dark places. Bergamot contains Bergapten, which can become poisonous if exposed to the sun

  • After applying the oil to your skin, allow the oil to be further absorbed into the skin before going under the sun

  • If you have sensitive skin, do a 24 hour patch test on your arms or back before using the product

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